Our Approach to Marketing.

The way COG Branding is structured ensures we are providing brand, marketing and technology solutions for Australian small businesses that are underpinned by true value. Our approach to marketing is in large part due to the robust structure of our broader business model. It’s this that is most valuable to our clients.


Engaging Experiences

Harness human emotion, channel it through technology and create mutually beneficial experiences between business, brand and customer. We approach this equation passionately and with vigour and it’s our approach to marketing.

Our client retention is naturally high, simply because we’re communicators, people first and will always put discussion before reaction. Predominantly we’re a service focused marketing agency with people at our centre. Our business development small business solutions are designed and delivered by people, using technology to obtain efficiency and operate optimally. We offer both packaged products and customised services – because not all of our clients’ businesses are the same.

The support on offer from the COG Branding Cronulla based team is considerate to how much our client can actually handle, and in this our approach includes putting ourselves in our clients position to understand behaviours surrounding standard business operations and routines – we tailor our approach to our clients reality.

Most importantly it’s in this exchange we understand there is a clear difference between working on the business and in the business. We own this conundrum for the benefit of the businesses and brands we serve.

Learn more about our culture

Synergy Between Brand and Business

This approach includes challenging our clients existing behaviours that may be counter productive to this goal. Our positive influence has proven to shift business owners’ perceptions of how to use the levers of our brand marketing services that create a long term sustainable position for their brand, and how it can and should be a key function of how their business generates consistent successful results. 

How COG Branding creates a sustainable position for small businesses is via customised frameworks that include the most relevant brand and marketing strategies combined with the most appropriate software solutions that simply fit our clients reality.

The rate of technological innovation is and will continue to be rapid, leaving small businesses forever needing logical straight forward advice from experts whose agenda is simply for their success. COG Branding understands that technology is largely designed to enable automation, which is often complex and expensive to build into an existing business.

This is why our approach is to put our smartest people at the centre of any transformation architecture of our clients’ brands and businesses. That’s where COG Branding’s approach is valuable, and we become very useful.

Learn more about our technology solutions

People Driving Technology

As leading marketing agency our approach to solving small business problems remains unique as we have an astute awareness of the core elements to what small businesses require to survive, grow and perform. We create something greater in Australian small businesses than just a job for its owner.

We’re focused on building businesses that operate in performance mode year on year. To deliver against this there needs to be something special, an innovative blend of humans and technology. For COG Branding this is G12. Learn more about G12

Thinking Smart…

How COG Branding creates a sustainable position for small businesses is via customised frameworks that include the most relevant brand and marketing strategies combined with the most appropriate software solutions that simply fit our clients reality.

Read more about our purpose

…while being logical.

In our everyday approach expect us to first ask the question ‘what do you want to achieve’, closely followed by ‘why’. This initial discovery phase we enter with all new clients is our first step in looking to understand what are our clients expectations.

We don’t pretend to know more about our clients’ businesses than they do, but we’ll research and seek insights before we take any action to be sure we under promise and over deliver. Survival mode, entering a growth period or looking to optimise an upcoming performance sprint – here it’s our job to develop a customised solution against the current state of play.

Once COG Branding is able to define our clients business’s true position, only then can we determine a considered course of action. The consultative approach our Sydney branding agency allows our smartest people to take the responsibility in sharing their knowledge directly with our clients to lift them up and guide them to become successful.